Behind Every Great Wedding: Unveiling the Personalities that Shape Your Perfect Day

In the vibrant sphere of wedding planning, where visions become splendid realities, the importance of a lead coordinator cannot be overstated. Every wedding is an intricate masterpiece, crafted with the utmost care, creativity, and unique personal touches that only a true professional can provide. Today, we continue to pull back the curtain to showcase the dynamic personalities and skilled professionals at Coastal Coordinating.

These coordinators ensure that each couple's special day unfolds flawlessly and without stress. But what about the people orchestrating these magical moments? They are not merely planners; they are storytellers, problem-solvers, and creators of dreams. In this entry, we delve into the life of Tia, whose love for distinctive weddings matches her passion for showcasing each couple's unique love story.

Meet Tia: Crafting Personalized Celebrations with Passion

Professional Questions:

  1. What do you love most about being a wedding coordinator? Being able to help couples show off their unique love story, no two couples and two weddings are ever the same! I love finding little ways to help couples personalities shine through.

  1. Can you share a memorable moment from one of the weddings you've coordinated? Oh goodness, do you want happy memorable, or truly memorable moments?

  2. What is your favorite part of the wedding day? When couples get to have a moment just the two of them after the ceremony they are just looking at each other with so much love and joy. I find it the cutes especially when they get so happy they start laughing over nothing, it’s joy that can’t be contained!

  3. What advice would you give to couples planning their wedding? It is YOUR DAY, Not anyone else’s, do what makes the two of you happy and comfortable. There are no right or wrong ways to do a wedding, if you don’t want to do something then don’t do it.

  4. How do you stay organized and manage multiple weddings at the same time? A lot of color-coded system and I put everything in my calendar!

  5. Can you describe your planning process from start to finish? I love to get to know a couple first and hear about them, their story, and their families so I know the energy we are working with. Then I like couples to tell me their priorities and things they want to make sure happen! After that, I start drafting timelines with these things in mind and work around some things that might not be in our control like sunset and venue limitations. After that, it’s just trying to match couples with vendors who I think they will mesh with and meet their needs. Being flexible is a big part of the process as things are changing all the time, one day a couple might want a bounce house and the next they might want to change that to a champagne tower either way I know how to make it happen!

  6. What do you love most about being a wedding coordinator? Being able to help couples show off their unique love story, no two couples and two weddings are ever the same! I love finding little ways to help couples personalities shine through.

  7. Can you share a memorable moment from one of the weddings you've coordinated? Oh goodness, do you want happy memorable, or truly memorable moments?

  8. What is your favorite part of the wedding day? When couples get to have a moment just the two of them after the ceremony they are just looking at each other with so much love and joy. I find it the cutes especially when they get so happy they start laughing over nothing, it’s joy that can’t be contained!

  9. What advice would you give to couples planning their wedding? It is YOUR DAY, Not anyone else’s, do what makes the two of you happy and comfortable. There are no right or wrong ways to do a wedding, if you don’t want to do something then don’t do it.

  10. How do you stay organized and manage multiple weddings at the same time? A lot of color-coded system and I put everything in my calendar!

  11. Can you describe your planning process from start to finish? I love to get to know a couple first and hear about them, their story, and their families so I know the energy we are working with. Then I like couples to tell me their priorities and things they want to make sure happen! After that, I start drafting timelines with these things in mind and work around some things that might not be in our control like sunset and venue limitations. After that, it’s just trying to match couples with vendors who I think they will mesh with and meet their needs. Being flexible is a big part of the process as things are changing all the time, one day a couple might want a bounce house and the next they might want to change that to a champagne tower either way I know how to make it happen!

  12. What trends do you see emerging in the wedding industry this year? Personally, I think we will see a spike in more relaxed weddings, cocktail-style receptions, and couples putting their own comforts first over what they think they “need” to do at weddings.

  13. How do you personalize weddings to reflect each couple's unique story? Small decor touches and moments for the two of them!

  14. How did you get started in wedding planning? I was in the event industry for a few years before moving into wedding catering where I worked for 4 years before transitioning to wedding planning.

Fun Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite song to get people dancing at a wedding? Mr. Brightside! Though I recommend playing it after the crowd has a chance to drink a bit!

  2. If you weren’t a wedding coordinator, what would be your dream job? Large-scale event planning such as concerts and festivals. I got a taste for them in college working with the school and it is euphoric to see all your planning come to life in big celebrations.

  3. What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you? I am a huge nerd, I attend DragonCon in the summer and when I get to travel I base my trips on museums and archeological sites, and historic ruins, I’m full of useless knowledge about tons of subjects that occasionally comes in handy.

  4. What’s your favorite comfort food? Orzo pasta with green peas and just salt and butter.

  5. If you could instantly become an expert in anything, what would it be? Predicting the weather! It would save everyone on wedding days!

Quick-Fire Questions:

  1. Early bird or night owl? Night owl for sure! There have been many nights/mornings where I just stay up to watch the sunrise. It’s magical to go from sunset to sunrise and see the world asleep.

  2. Sweet or savory? Savory, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth personally, so if you do see me eating something sweet it means it’s VERY good.

  3. Beach or mountains? As a native Floridian, I have to say beaches, mountains are beautiful but the beach means home for me!

  4. Books or movies? Oh books for sure! I love nothing more than a good book and a cup of tea. I normally do audiobooks though as I drive a lot for work and family, I think my record is 97 books in one year just on audible alone.

  5. Classic or modern? Classic, give me old school and old style any day. my favorite jewelry is from the Victorian era!

  6. Dogs or cats? I know it sounds cliche but honestly both. my family had the best dog growing up named Cookie which we just lost recently to cancer. She was the sweetest, most loyal, and protective dog you could ask for, she even saved my mom from a dog attack, we miss her every day. In my home, I have two kittens named Nami and Romi and I love them so much, they are the goofiest snuggle bugs you could ever imagine.

  7. City life or country life? Country life, with some city nearby, I love the peace at night you only get in the country areas (like where I grew up) that you just don’t get with a city, plus I love to look up at the stars at night.

  8. Summer or winter? Oh that is a tough one but I think winter, everything is cozy and chill can make things feel like magic. I’ve never had to deal (or seen) snow though so I might be biased!

  9. Adventure or relaxation? Adventure! The world is out there for us to learn about and explore, I can never sit still when there is something to do!

  10. Which is your after-wedding snack? Depends how the night went but normally something salty like french fries or peanut butter-filled pretzels!

  11. Coffee or tea? Tea, but I normally have to order coffee because not a lot of places make good tea, they always burn the leaves!

As we celebrate the commitment and creativity of our coordinators like Tia, we recognize the profound impact they have on turning wedding dreams into realities. Stay tuned as we continue to explore the stories of those who weave the magical threads of love and dedication into the tapestry of your perfect wedding day.


A Timeless Affair at The Tampa Edition: Jess & Anthony’s Wedding Day


A Forever Kind of Love, Cayton and Brian’s Delightful Wedding.